
 米ワシントンで1月20日正午前(日本時間21日未明)、ジョー・バイデン(Joe Biden)氏が第46代大統領に就任しました。国際秩序を混乱させ米国内の分断を深めたトランプ政権から、融和と結束を掲げる新しい政権へ。

 バイデン氏は就任演説(inaugural address)を次のように始めました。

" This is America's day. This is democracy's day. A day of history and hope. Of renewal and resolve. Through a crucible for the ages America has been tested anew and America has risen to the challenge."


" We have learned again that democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. And at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed."


" And together, we shall write an American story of hope, not fear. Of unity, not division. Of light, not darkness. An American story of decency and dignity. Of love and of healing."
